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Sandler Training | Chicago & Northbrook, IL

When I speak with managers about personal development, I'm like a broken record. You've heard me say it a hundred times:

You're only going forward or backwards. Personal development and personal growth are really the cornerstones of being an effective manager. Not only for yourself but so your salespeople also adopt it as a mindset. To have it as a cultural part of what you do. We've all seen people in comfort zones. You've most likely been in a comfort zone yourself. I have too. But it's one thing to be in a comfort zone for a week or two, and another to spend the rest of a career in a comfort zone (which many people do). The most successful managers, the most successful salespeople, the most successful sales organizations, are ones that have a mindset around personal development.

I want to challenge you as to where you're at on your commitment to personal development. How much time are you spending in the average week? The gold standard I've seen is really simple.

It's 30 minutes a day.

It could be spending time on Sandler. It could be podcast. It could be reading. There's a lot of different ways to do it but make that commitment. Because if you make the commitment as a manager, your salespeople are going to see it. This is going to make you stronger, but it's also going to help transcend your organization because there's a culture now where everyone's growing.

What can you do from a personal development perspective that's an improvement not just in Sandler, but overall?


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